Telling you my dreams

My dreams that I see everyday.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

3 days to new year

I dedicate this blog to myself. I see a lot of dreams and I wonder what it means.
I do not have the expertise to intepret these. So in this blog I will try and post my dreams (hey u pervert not those kind of dreams). Anyway I will also provide my "expert comments" on them too.
So here is my dream for the 28th night.

The evening has just set in the peaceful city of Bangalore. The city is resplendent with the city lights.
My house is on a high raise and in the path of the airport runway, so the flights landing and taking off fly above my home. Its a great sight can see the entire city glimmering with activity. An Indian Airlines flight I think takes off right above my home and I am seeing it go up in the sky making a huge noise and flashing lights. Suddenly it changes course and does a 360 degree turn, ( as in cartoon movies anything can happen in dreams). I wonder why and I call my dad and bro to see this. My bro tells me that there is another flight coming towards it so it did this. Then I see a flight a small aircraft approaching and the next thing I know is Bangalore has been bombed. An explosion rocks the city and I can see a cloud of light and dust. I shout to my mom to come out and see but she has not yet come out of the kitchen ( as usual she is more worried about the milk boilng over). Before we realise a bomb is dropped very close to home and our building shakes and there is a loud gush of voices by the people of the city. I shout to my parents to get down from the high raise and run to safety. Suddenly I find myself wide awake and the lights are switched off and my wife has left to office and its broad day light. I am late again. I go read the paper and the headlines. Terror attack on Bangalore.

My analysis:
The previous day all news channels did not miss a single minute of coverage of a shoot out in the Indian Institue of science. This might have had a lasting impression on my mind and hence the dream.
Hope this never happens to Bangalore and it remains a showcase of India.


At 11:04 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Scary dream! I hope things like that never happen to bangalore again and you never see such dreams again.

At 3:19 AM, Blogger Thanai said...

Yes and I saw it in eastman colour :)

At 3:30 AM, Blogger Niranjan Manjunath said...

At least, keep the dreams clean.. Hope your dreams never come true..! (atleast, this one..)

At 3:35 AM, Blogger Thanai said...

Not all my dreams mate! I see many good dreams. Which u can read in the days to come. Yes hope this dream never comes true.

At 12:40 AM, Blogger Neets said...

thani, Sir... is this the last day you had a dream? or the last dream worth talking about?
your dream reminded me of another experiance. remember there was a tremor early in the morning when that earthquake in gujarat happened.... that morning i was awake. we have a chandelier hanging in the middle of our hall. you know what... you actually can hear it comming before it reaches your... it sounds like a herd of buffalos charging towards you. and then when it reached our building, the chandelier rattled. I screamt out to my mom and brother and everyone in our building ran out. it was just a tremor , i am sure many people slept through it. but it was an unbelievable experiance. all this took place in a couple of seconds but i can remember it in such detail. i had never known that u could hear it commin before it hits you.
your dream is pretty vivid and makes sense. do you get dreams that makes no sense at all? they are fun!

At 2:06 AM, Blogger Thanai said...

Wow! you went through all that? Scary but still wow!
I get such wierd dreams always. Totally unconnected to my life kind of dreams too. Regarding your question of "If I did not dream anything else, no I did not blog about it. I stopped blogging and I am not really sure why. More so coz I blog now at my company blog rather than a public blog. I really am shocked out of my skin that you visited this blog site :) Thanks a lot Neets.

At 7:13 PM, Blogger Mercy Mathews said...

Thanai, no 2012 dreams? You should get more sleep! :)


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